We only came back from our 11th summer RV trip in October and I already have a draft plan for our 12th RV summer trip.
We purchased our first 5W and truck in 2002,since then we RV every summer for 4-5 months each time to different States/Provinces, at the end of the trip we store the rig for the winter and fly home till next spring when we pick up from the same place to discover new horizons,waterfalls,caves,natural hot springs,making new friends and enjoying life.
Planning a trip is a part of the trip itself and I enjoy doing it,I try to maximize doing things we like in the “short” time we have on the road.
First I have to find a secured storage place near an International Airport in a logical distance from the start point (we try to travel no more that 3000M each trip not taking into consideration side trips with the truck).
After completing this task I mark on the map places I want to see and camp combining all the spots with scenic byways.
I post my route although the trip is still far away just to receive from you all suggestions on what not to miss along the route.
Thank you and see you down the road.