Each time I mention the fact that we RVed for the last 15 summers ,it hits me ....wow where and how the time flew, I only know that we did the best to enjoy every minute knowing that a day passed will never come back, I also realize that when one day I will look back I will have no regrets and I will be in peace with myself.
This year travels started in July with our Granddaughter Zohar that turned to be 12 , we made a point on taking every grandchild with us for a month when girls turn 12 (Bat Mitzvah)and boys turn 13(Barmizvah) .
Zohar is our third grandchild that comes with us and she already knew what to expect ,more or less.
We landed in L.A and took Zohar to Disney ,Universal Studious and the fantastic beaches along the coast.

After a few days we picked the rig from Palmdale CA where it was stored during the winter on a friends property and “loaded” the trailer with groceries before hitting the road.
Zohar had to be back in L.A after a month to catch a direct flight home so we did a round trip that included Sequoia & Kings Canyon N.P, Needles N.P where we hiked ,camped and enjoyed the nature.

One of the great pleasures is to meet with friends and relatives , and in this short month with Zohar we had great times with Fred & Carol at Palmdale , with Sam & Chris near Kings Canyon S.P ,with Steve and Debra at Bear Valley Springs and of course with Ron and Sari Shula's cousins in L.A

As you can imagine it was very difficult to say goodbyes to Zohar after a great month ,but that is life and on she left on a direct flight home escorted by an airhostess and meet at the destination by her family.
After the sad separation we continued as planned going North Exploring North CA and Center Oregon.
The Coast line of North CA and Oregon are a real gem, you cannot be wrong where ever you choose to stop it is beautiful and needs time to explore.
In Monterey we meet with my Aunt Lucy and her being a volunteer in the Carmel Aquarium was glad to show us around ,what an energy this lady has….
The next stop was to meet my cousin's family in S.F, we were so glad that we could get together after many years and spend some time together.

In Livermore we spent few days with another cousin of mine and his wife enjoying the weather and the time together
Another short stop in Sacramento to meet family and then North to nature ,hiking ,natural hot springs and meeting people.

Thank you dear friends and family for you kind hospitality, friendship and sharing time with us.
From now on it was all about RVing,Camping and nature.
I have posted a few post regarding the beautiful North CA and Central Oregon that never stopped amazing us with it’s Colors,Waterfalls.Hot Springs ,Mountains and Lakes, we could spend a life time here easyly and not see it all-BUT WE ARE TRYING….

These are “ONLY” selected pictures…..click on any to inlarge.
On the way home we stopped to visit our youngest son and his family in Toronto ,keeping the best for the last…..the grandkids sure grew since we saw them last year.

See you all next summer….